How it began
In the late 90's, Val was teaching an art class to a group of children. One of the fathers, a doctor by trade, asked if he could sit in on the class with his daughter. He did everything the children did, a self-portrait, a still life and a color study. At the end of the class he helped clean up and shared that this was a new experience for him and he had enjoyed it very much. A year later, he came back with his daughter so she could take another class. He shared his amazing story. After the class the previous year he had become gravely ill and couldn't practice medicine for almost a year. As he recuperated he was able to do what he had learned in the class and it gave him hope, kept him alive and helped him bear his illness during his long recovery. "Yes," said his daughter. "His artwork covers all the walls in our house!"
Hearing the doctor's experience and seeing how one simple art class could change the life of that doctor helped Val imagine a world where people from all walks of life could experience a creative awakening that would change their lives forever and help them see the world with fresh eyes.
Our Mission: To spread the power of art and connect people to their creativity.
"Every morning when I wake up I say, I'll never be as young as I am today. Today is the youngest day of the rest of my life. Get up and do something fun."
-Rochelle Ford, 78-year-old metal sculptor