It's so easy to think of our lives in terms of being small or lacking in value, but this thinking is so far from the truth. Many years ago, I was attending a church at the University of Minnesota and had a wonderful friend who was born with a disease. It may have been Cerebral Palsy, or something similar. Nevertheless, she was stuck in a wheelchair, couldn't speak clearly and her arms seemed to have a life of their own. In spite of everything, she was getting a masters degree in one of the language arts and always had a great attitude.
Attitude - what a powerful thing that we can choose. I sadly so often forget this, but thankfully my friend in the wheelchair comes to mind and reminds me of how blessed I am. If someone with such a difficult life can make something out of what has been handed to her, I can surely find a way to do the same.
Try this:
Look in the mirror every morning and say hi to yourself and that you are happy you get to know you better. I've been trying to do a self-portrait once a year and it's strangely difficult. It makes me realize how little I really know or appreciate myself.
val- your positive perspective/outlook on life is one of the most beautiful gifts you have- and provide to others !